The "Hole-in-one" Brief
A real timeline and speculative story. Was January 6th a result of Donald Trump trying to keep a deal together that required him to have 2 terms as POTUS to complete?"
(aka Golf-gate)
[Original draft source]
Fiction? It was supposed to be when I first started writing this. My story concept was the "Pelican Brief" meets Donald Trump's world. I came up with this idea after reading a story in golf digest.
When I am working, I deconstruct competitive behavior into narratives and summaries for business decision makers and investors. It’s research, analysis, or “oppo”.
I’d normally print a timeline for a client, then share my interpretations from notes.
This “story” is not meant to be read like a book. It’s formatted like my notes for a presentation. My style is casual speech, not formal writing. The “chapters” allow me to change topics based on questions by clients.
I’ve licensed this brief so anyone can take this start and improve on it. Others will find pieces of this puzzle I omitted intentionally. This should be about the length of a TED talk script.
The timeline I built to support my speculation has been moved to the bottom of the brief so you may read the story first, which translates better to a general audience.
What if Jared Kushner, the former president's son-in-law received a $2Bn line of Saudi credit to "invest" as a gratuity for the role of sole negotiator in Trump's deal of the century, which involved Trump getting a new Saudi-backed Sports League in LIV Golf that plays at his courses?
A top class golf tour, with the best players and prize money the Saudis could afford. A PGA competing league (with plans to merge), oddly reminiscent of the 1983-85 USFL when Donald was a team owner of the NJ Generals.
After Biden's win on November 20th 2020, Trump is devistated, angry and desperate. Everything he ever wanted hinged on his 2nd term. It's all crashing down. A feeling he has experienced many times in his business endeavors and "turned around".
Trump is out of money, out of time, out of the presidency and out of the greatest deal he's ever made.
Trump won't accept this reality and will use everything in his remaining power as President and as figurehead of MAGA to reverse this personal disaster.
I saw November's election differently. It was a divorce.
Divorcing Trump is a public spectacle as he lashes out and it goes on until the most repulsive side of him is exposed and he settles. It's theater, because he's already got the next prize he wanted.
Ivana Trump gave us the only way to stop The Donald, and move forward with our lives.
"Don't get mad, get everything."
So everybody erase your phones and get rid of your secret snapchat app. This is going to get ugly. Donald has been having a secret affair.
January 10th, the PGA ices Trump out of the 2020 PGA Championship, canceling the contract. Just when Trump needed that money the most. Combined with two years of horrible revenue at all his golf courses due to Covid, it's a perfect storm of rage, fear and revenge.
Trump is in deep debt once again.
Because we never saw his taxes, he could be financially upside down. Eric Trump ran the Trump Organization business? Was that a cost saving move more than nepotism? Is all this effort to hide that Trump has overleveraged assets, no real income or Russian oligarch deals cover much of his portfolio? Probably.
Dealing with the Russians (again) was out of the question, ever since the Mueller report came out. Trump has to scramble to make money wherever he can, and election fundraising is “gray money” that is covering mounting debts. Trump needs more time. He had to get that 2nd term. Trump tried everything in his power, and still went bust. But it's never over.
Donald Trump has another deal still in play. The “bigly” deal.
The rallies Trump started in 2015 have never stopped, even during his presidency, because Trump was doing something more than running for office. He was building a loyal customer base who pay him for air. His words. His presence. And the taxpayers foot the bill.
Had Trump NOT been elected in 2016, he'd still be getting paid high-profile, top speaker fees at CPAC type events and in high demand as a powerful alt-right conservative leader. This was the consolation prize.
But now, as POTUS he can reach out to every pro golfer to come golf with him and who can say no? Why would you question his motives? They're victory laps. Right?
Honestly? Trump "wins" either way. He always has the consolation prize he can promote as a victory. If the consolation prize is horrible, he's blaming someone. He's the victim. He got cheated. It's a pattern.
I mean, You'd think being president is getting to the top. Right? Not if you are Trump. There is always another deal that is in process and the way he gets there is by sowing doubt.
You see, Trump has a plan. A longshot. A hole-in-one type shot. A deal only a president can pitch, with little or no skin in it. Now THAT is the GRAND prize.
As of 2022, Trump cannot find a lawyer because they all know he doesn't pay or listen. He's been gaming the tax code for decades. He's gambled the fortune away in overbuilt palaces of greed in Atlantic City and gone deep into debt by taking high risks. He's never had real net income, just revenue paying debts. It is the appearance of rich. And when they think you're rich enough, they let you do anything.
Thinking back, why would Trump be schlepping a TV show for so long? He was leasing public-image "billionaire" props, and they're expensive. Why do that when revenue isn't creating net income? Maybe his TV show should have been called "the Appearance"?
The Trump brand golf courses are his best prop. They will soon go into arrears if he cannot find $400M, maybe even plunge him into bankruptcy again. Is Trump concerned? No. He has a plan and at every step he has a consolation prize, even the presidency was a consolation prize.
Donald loves golf. It's where deals are made and he can brag about himself.
It's a Sunday, circa 1990s, time for some golf. It's just Donald, a very wealthy media owner and a former #1 ranked PGA pro. Typical Sunday.
Donald starts boasting about the USFL, his days as an owner, and how he could have merged with the NFL if the judge hadn't thrown out his anti-trust case and awarded the USFL 3 bucks.
His media mogul golf partner says "You should have done that with the PGA" and it just clicks in all 3 of them. Donald Trump and his group are now thinking about it.
"Trump Golf Tour". Only the best players, and Donald could recruit them. The game of kings, played on the world's most luxurious courses, TV revenue, big tournament contracts and revenue. Playing at Trump brand golf courses and more revenue. We're talking the deal of a lifetime.
The problem is Donald Trump could never finance that dream alone. That's billions and billions and billions. No bank would loan him that, not with his string of bankruptcies and he's always treading water. His media mogul golfing buddy could fund one, (and later even tries it), and the 3rd of this threesome, (the pro golfer), will have an unsuccessful golf tour attempt of his own.
Donald is odd man out and he thinks, “I mean, to compete with the PGA? That's oil money. That’s world bank type money”, not his common revolving-door millionaire money. For Donald Trump to get a piece of this deal, he would need to bring in a backer he has not double-crossed yet.
“What if you were the President, and you could call the meeting with Saudi Royals as a head of state, and pitch the tour idea? The president is a gold-plated legitimate position with access.” The group laughs. “Roger Stone has been pushing me to run for years.”
But Trump is serious. Run down the list he’d consider: “You'd have to be popular enough to win, maybe get a bit of Russian help with financing the campaign, some favorable news coverage and there are millions of willing saps out there sending free money to get you elected if you say the right things. Shit. Roger Stone IS GOP politics. Stone knows everybody and gets my “Roy Cohn” hutzpa.”
All members of this threesome know TV/news/sports/media is super profitable, no matter what the next move is. It’s what they do.
It's achievable if you are Donald Trump. Even if you fall short of getting elected, the consolation prize is a donating base you can milk. Those supporters might keep you financially floating a little bit longer. Trump is going to go for it, when the time is right. It’s his long game.
Trump gets asked if he’d ever run for president by Rona Barrett in a famous interview in the 80s. It was a new idea back then, “businessman runs for president”. Trump was 36.
Oprah Winfrey asks him if he'll run in 1988. She’s a rising daytime media star.
In 1999, Trump said Winfrey, now a superstar, would be his top pick for a vice presidential running mate, in an appeal to women voters and to get some news coverage. The comment may have appealed to some black voters as well. It's media. Trump just wants cheap coverage.
2004 and Trump has a new TV show, “the Apprentice”. He looks the part of a successful business person and reality shows are hot.
In reality, he’s broke, and has his name on mail-order meat you buy from in-flight magazines. Other products, properties and buildings license the Trump name, milking it for whatever nostalgic value is left, to appeal to his generation.
Trump is also laundering post-Gorbachev Russian oligarch “new” money via his only owned properties. The Russians were still pretty naive, almost tacky, but gaining sophistication and were easy marks for Trump to take down.
And speaking of cheap. Reality TV productions are low cost cash cows and everyone is pitching one. The shows are just raw bullshit, starring wannabe actors, centered around a ridiculous premise, assembled into a show in the post production. Editors spin garbage into gold. Everyone in the industry knows its pure dreck, but will keep you from starving.
Trump’s version, “the Apprentice” is Survivor meets Trump brand product placement meets bootlicking meets backstabbing. It looks self-serving and over-indulgent. Trump loves playing the role of CEO again, even if it’s staged. It gets great ratings to boast about.
Its 2007 and Trump explores running from a 3rd party. No one is taking him seriously and most think it’s a TV show stunt. He drops out. This is known as “dipping a toe into politics”. It’s not new for Trump. He’s been doing it for years to self-promote and stay in the news.
Trump joins the birtherism movement around 2008 and expresses doubt that President Obama is an American. (Spoiler: he is).
2009 and The Donald joins Twitter. He tweets mostly nonsense and right wing conspiracy theory echos to get cheap “likes”. The TV show makes his followers grow. Twitter fans who never watch Donald Trump’s TV show begin to tune in. It’s effective promotion that costs nothing.
Donald Trump considers running for president in the upcoming 2012 election. He leases a plane. He uses the presidential-like trappings on his TV show, The Apprentice. He gains more public popularity. He drops out because he says he only wants to run from a major party. This is by design. It’s “seeding” an idea. Trump goes back to his TV show. Ratings climb.
Oprah interviews Trump in Feb 2011, in her final season. Trump later claims it was her last episode. (Spoiler: it wasn't)
2011 and President Obama roasts Trump at the White House Press Club dinner. Trump does not laugh. Instead, he grins, and his chin wrinkles and his eyes lock on Obama. This is Donald Trump’s “tell”.
A “tell” is an act you unconsciously do, usually in a high-stakes game, and it’s one you are not aware of, or you fake one to throw off an opponent. It’s a behavioral pattern. Trump is playing poker. Obama has no idea what this look is. Barack Obama is moving toward his second term as president.
Trump has a cast of characters he knows from as far back as the mid 80's, including Roger Stone. Trump has added newer political killers to the list. This group strategize together and think Donald Trump can win a nomination in 2016. Fox News,, Rush Limbaugh and other right leaning media have been priming the pump for years.
Steve Bannon, of Breitbart fame is the Trump 2016 platform architect and chief strategist and Trump pays no attention to the details he’s assembling. It’s a process Bannon relishes and he’s detail oriented. Bannon is the VP of Cambridge Analytica, so he hires his own company to manipulate the electorate with sophisticated new data mining tools and guides propaganda development.
2015 - Make America Great Again Presidential campaign is launched. Lists are made for cabinet positions with a wealthy group of right wing donors who have pet projects they'd be allowed to initiate as cabinet members to garner their financial support.
This pay-to-play scheme is a psuedo-legitimate, bribery technique. They’re deals to Trump and he couldn’t care less about the outcome the appointments would bring. He’s only concerned with his prize.
It's 2015 and retired General Michael Flynn has just finished working on a nuclear project between Russia and Saudi Arabia. He gets a call from a Russian oligarch.
"Donald Trump is looking for someone to help him run for president. He's looking for someone who has contacts in Saudia Arabia and knows Saudi Royals. Interested"?
The meeting is arranged and Trump shares the golf idea, what he can do for the middle-east, for America, but mostly golf.
Flynn is in. He knows what the Saudis want. He knows US generals and can make introductions. He joins the Trump campaign.
Donald Trump has been elected and it's been a rocky first 2 years.
He is now 4 different main personas. He’s “Donald”, the husband, friend and casual golfer with ego. He’s “The Donald”, a media chaser with ego. He’s “Donald Trump”, the businessman with ego. And he is “President Trump”, the one supposed to protect all Americans. (Who suffers from an abundance of ego.)
These distinct personalities occupy one man we call “Trump”. A brand that allows everyone to filter him however they wish, and that suits him just fine. (Showing Trump’s duplicity is an underlying theme here. This is intentional narrative crafting on my part. Surprise.)
Donald Trump had Russian deals that kept him solvent after his Atlantic City fiasco, and they came back and bit him hard.
President Trump has met with the Saudis in 2017 and Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, becomes Donald Trump's golf deal intermediary with access to both the White House and the Saudis as a Sr. Advisor.
The Saudis have agreed to call the new golf tour "Trump Golf Tour", but in a secret way that Donald can share with the people he golfs with and avoid suspicion while he holds office.
The tour will be called “LIV GOLF”
This will take time. LIV Golf is planned to be launched and operational in 2022, during President Trump’s second term in office. Once the final terms of the deal are complete, Donald Trump is a 2-term president with a huge fan base, and actually rich. It’s everything he has wanted.
I think while Donald Trump is waiting, and golfing, and ignoring Covid, he see’s how vulnerable his position is. The Saudis could wait him out. Trump gets nervous.
"Those Saudis are dragging their feet just to see if I get relected. Have they not seen my crowds? Don't they see I'm serious with the few documents I've sent with Jared already?"
President Trump is overconfident of being elected to a second term in office because he's spent his time ONLY in front of adoring MAGA donors. He's disregarded the other voters and now they are preparing to turn out in record numbers for Joe Biden with historical participation due to Covid and mail-in voting.
It’s 2019 and “LIV Golf” is so close to launch. The organizers just need to finish assembling the golf tour; finalizing contracts with event locations, and signing "the best" players. The PGA is resisting the new league, and President Trump cannot say anything because the PGA runs through his Trump brand golf courses. Donald Trump waits and stews and becomes irritable. This is a dark time in the White House. Golf contracts take time that Trump is running out of, and he does not even know it.
President Trump has even gone so far as to award Tiger Woods the Presidential Medal of Freedom to curry favor down the road. Donald Trump has named the vast majority of his PMOFs award winners from the field of sports to avert detection.
President Trump losing the 2020 election could lead to the Saudis doing LIV Golf without him.
He'd miss out on the biggest deal ever, his financial life-line, 20+ years of maneuvering to fall short and get cheated.
Can you imagine what Donald Trump would do? When it’s his idea? With his NAME on it?
"LIV" Golf is "54" in Roman numerals. It's also the golf score if you birdie every hole on a 72 par course. That's the story behind it. According to a Saudi Royal, it’s the “best” score. Subtle.
There's a secret though, if you look for it.
Donald was 72 when he first meets the Saudis. And 54 is 45 reversed. And Trump was the 45th president. The 45 is reversed to mask his involvement. So "LIV Golf Tour" is "Trump Golf Tour", to Donald's mind at least. Neat trick.
Donald was 54 in 1999. The same year he was on Larry King's show making his prediction Oprah Winfrey would be on his ticket. I wonder who Trump was golfing with back then?
Donald Trump golfed an estimated 285 times during his only term as POTUS.
Golf has always been the setting for deals. A golf course is a private place for Donald’s secret business deal conversations, only now within earshot of his USSS detail. This has been considered.
President Trump skillfully maneuvers USSS agents psychologically, exploiting their trust and commitment to protect as a weakness.
President Trump requires them to communicate using unauthorized Snapchat apps, which will keep any Trump brand empire business dealings that are not governmental out of the public record.
USSS Detail Chief, Agent Tony Ornoto approves this action, as a courtesy to his president. (Donald Trump later rewards Ornoto with a top aid job in the White House administration to make it appear that Ornoto is complicit. This remains to be seen.)
President Trump’s USSS detail have sworn an oath to the US Constitution. Donald Trump warped their fidelity over time into an oath to him personally. Many of these agents may like Donald, and may even share a political leaning to the message President Trump is publically preaching. They are at every event he is. It’s mesmerizing.
These US Secret Service Agents are not traitors. Not all of them at least. These are people who have been manipulated in a game from a person they trusted and protected and were following orders. They were being betrayed by Donald Trump.
(USSS: I’m very sorry for the position you find yourself in right now. When your trust has been betrayed causing you to break an oath, I say go back to your first principle, and start again. Go back to your oath. The answer is there. Be honest and the punishment, if any, will be just. You have been the best of us. Speaking metaphorically, take this “bullet” with honor. You will live, but it will hurt like hell until it heals.)
To those civilians who have never been in service to this nation, I implore you, do not go after the soldier. Go after the commander.
Jared Kushner’s contract negotiations are finished, and he gets his reward. He gets paid in a manner that would insure he didn't talk to the Feds.
The Saudis wanted something to sweeten the deal other than Trump brand golf courses. I mean, c'mon folks. It's the Saudis. They don't need Trump, even as president. He needs them. This whole golf tour is PR to Saudi royals if they only end up with the consolation prize.
Deconstructing the Trump/LIV Golf deal, I imagined that partnership with LIV Golf would be like an annuity for Donald Trump. Network TV revenue shares, merchandising rights, golf tourism, etc... and an infusion of cash he desperately needs.
And you know Trump. He's not doing a deal without a regular payment. Put a pin in that thought.
The spoils of the deal would go into Donald Trump’s DeutscheBank account, the bank that protects Russian oligarchs for obvious reasons. It’s not on US soil and it’s outside the control of the IRS. That money gets him out of debt and creates LEGITIMATE future revenue to keep him on top, now as a power broker.
How much? It's potentially billions. Especially when the Saudis, *ahem, sell it to Trump in an undisclosed deal later? My speculation is even if the tour loses money, the Saudis will continue to openly fund it, to control The Donald.
What would the Saudis want that Trump could possibly declassify or steal? What can Trump deliver when the thought of being richer does not excite your backer? The same thing they've wanted for decades. They want vital US held secrets, and General Flynn knew that before Trump was a presidential candidate. He'd better know. He's the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
How would the Saudis use these secrets? Who knows? There is one thing Middle East analyst’s are dreading though, and that’s the Saudis destabilizing the region when Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS) is King, and right now, he appears to be preparing to shake things up once the reign of boomer Saudi Royals pass into history.
Much of this destabilzation works only if the Saudis keep their hands clean as long as possible. So US Secrets that only the POTUS has access to are worth more than a tractor trailer full of gold. They are worth way more than a new golf league that is solely a PR campaign.
MBS might be able to blind the US intelligence asset network for decades by exiling or eliminating the kingdom’s spys working with the US or an ally.
Knowing the flyover windows of dark US recon satellites can help in coordinating subterfuge to hide active construction, or troop movement.
Knowing a drones construction and defensive counter-measures allows an enemy to design effective ways to bring down that threat.
Those are just a few ways SAP top secret intelligence may be used against the US.
So when President Trump lost the election legitimately in 2020, You know Donald Trump had to be thinking, "Did the Saudis just steal my "Trump Golf League" idea and I get nothing? They fixed this election to take MY deal?! They MUST have! This election was stolen and if I can just get others to look for it, that will show those Saudis I know what they did. I'll just blame the steal on Democrats, because this deal isn't done yet, far from it."
Looking at the timeline I’ve built, and considering cause and effect, if Jared was meeting Saudi contract milestones, Trump may have already given the Saudis some of the US held intelligence they wanted. If the espionage has been ongoing from 2017, Donald Trump has even more incentive for launching January 6th. The only leverage left was a big cache of documents due at the end when the deal was complete.
Chew on that for a bit.
As always, you can entertain an idea without having to believe it.
The timeline, however, is impeccable. Again, it's at the bottom of the brief, (after the really fun stuff).
DONALD JOHN TRUMP, 45TH POTUS was abusing OUR office and trust for his personal financial gain.
Trump thinks everyone in DC does this.
However, of ALL our politicians, ONLY the POTUS can start a war that kills Americans or launch a nuke. They hold supreme executive power.
They can NEVER use that covenant to protect, that position of great responsibility for personal enrichment. EVER.
If that power is used wrong, We bleed. We lose limbs. We die. They drink a Diet Coke and play another round of golf.
Former President Donald J. Trump engaged in espionage and sold state secrets to a foreign nation without oversight or council. That is TREASON against the people of the United States of America.
I’ve extracted this section from the original brief. This section now has it’s own entry on my substack to be distributed on it’s own merit.
The topic is PROPHESY, a belief in it, and the REAL THREAT that a belief in prophesy poses to democracy.
This exploration is not anti-religion. But I’m not gentle in my deconstruction. Many of those on a spiritual path may be rewarded with my insight. I am trying to be a good Samaritan.
Civilian and twice-impeached former President, Donald Trump, has a search warrent served on his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach Florida by the FBI. They are there to retrieve documents. They know what is missing and what Trump has, and despite numerous requests, Trump will not relinquish them.
It's discovered these are Top Secret Classified nuclear documents when the warrent is opened. These worrisome documents have National Security ramifications if they fell into the wrong hands or are wielded unethically.
The Special Access Program (SAP) is above top secret. There are maybe 10-12 people in the government who can request them, one being the President, and they must be accessed in a very controlled environment called a “skiff”, or “SCIF”. This rule applies for everyone with access, except the commander-in-chief, who may have them securely delivered to his desk. These are not tweets.
In the scenario I’ve played out thus far, President Trump would somehow need to deliver these documents, as terms of conditions in his golf league deal, any way he can. And if President Trump never paid the price for this theft? I think you can do the math.
If Trump’s “Golf-gate” scheme is exposed, so are MBS & The Saudis involvement. This is dangerous as there are rivals everywhere in the Middle East and he is not king yet.
Remember, secrecy to the plot is so important to the Saudi Royals, people will get boned-sawed in an embassy or assassinated to keep a plot hidden. They use Snapchat to communicate because of the secrecy, not because they lack options.
If Trump’s “Golf-gate” scheme remained hidden, MBS & the Saudis use the details in Trump’s cache of documents to set up the region for conflict and war breaks out.
Ok, I get it. But how does war or destabilzation in the middle-east change my life? I’d be OK. Right?
Let's look at the region. Israel is an ally, Suez is shipping. Our military uses the gulf region. It’s oil rich and a religious center for Muslims. Considering that conflict was triggered by a United States security breech of secrets that fell into Saudi hands, there would be US troops heading to the desert again to calm down the region. The US would be obligated or lose vital credibility around the world.
Or it's new war for a majority Muslim region filled with brown people and Donald Trump doesn't care about any of them. They are all terrorists to him, and he's got a golf league playing at his courses again and a full wallet forever. Cha-ching.
Normally, I would show the records of Saudi Royalty and their business involvement with a former one-term POTUS; the 2-term VP and former director of the CIA, whose son becomes President himself. But that’s for another time. We’re only looking at Trump here.
I'd suggest if this topic interests you, follow transactions. You may discover the SCOTUS decision on “Citizens United” is a legalized bribery device the Saudis wanted more than the people of the US did. The Saudis have been a guiding hand in world events, using wealth and pressure through oil pricing from the 1970's forward.
Ruling a people using treasure and keys is good to conceptualize. I think “CGP Grey” gave an easily understood flyover of the subject.
All this world strife and death, over Trump’s golf league/bankruptcy-saving scheme with the Saudis? Yes. It just needed one act of treason that President Trump alone could pull off.
Or we could jail the man? Maybe?
Do you think the evangelical MAGA crowd would go for that? NO. But it must happen.
Charging, arresting, convicting and sentencing Donald Trump is the ONLY option that does not fit a believed prophesy and the spell is broken.
As far as I’m concerned, the impotent, greedy gold-foil Charlie Manson can rot in jail with no pardon, for what he brought this nation to. While we're at it, round up those original golfing buddies and co-conspirators, and give them a public verbal stoning.
Whew! That was exhausting. Let's wrap this up.
Ivana Trump dies July 14th 2022 unexpectedly, from a strange fall down stairs when she has a working elevator and known “mobility issues”. LIV Golf is no longer as big a story. Ivana died. Please give the family some room to grieve. You know. For privacy.
It stays in the news cycle for a few days.
"Call Roger Stone. He's a fixer and he owes me."
That burial of Trump’s ex-wife on his golf course on July 26 is the lead story for the Liberal press and internet memes.
Strangely, the final resting place looks rushed and cheaply done; 1 large bouquet of flowers from a grocery store (white roses), a hump of dirt and a headstone you'd get for a memorial park bench. Her kids signed off on that?
A paupers grave on a golf course for a woman with an estimated worth of 100 million? Not marble and gold leaf? Sure. (Insert Price is Right Losing Horn)
It just happened, they'll fix it up later.
Probably. But you are missing the point. Ivana Trump was well liked. She has friends that will want to visit this location and remember her. Do her friends need a club membership to her ex-husband's property for access? Do her friends need to wait until the rowdy businessmen teeing off are finished before laying flowers, or do they need to book a tee time themselves?
I'll bet MAGA fans will pay, and Donald Trump can open a Trump florist in the club lobby that sells white roses. Maybe The Donald can donate those proceeds to her favorite charity for some good press, after he takes his cut.
There is a second reason for her strange grave location. Burying Ivana at the club also brings all the press in for LIV Golf Tour in Trump Bedminster Golf Course, for a multitude of reasons, even if they are not there for the sporting event. It's a media feeding frenzy.
Ivana's death, whether wrongful or not, gets the non-golf press to focus in the wrong directions while the document espionage takes place in front of everyone on July 29th.
It's a magic trick. I’m as impressed as I’m disgusted by it. Have we have become that predictable? Sad.
Something this unconscionable is exactly what the ratfucker Roger Stone would cook up. He actually WAGS THE DOG using Ivana's death, and the media bought it. Why do I suspect Roger Stone? Because Steve Bannon was busy with legal issues of his own.
Is it any surprise Trump had Roger Stones pardon in the documents he took? Roger probably wanted the original copy as tattoo pattern to put under the face of Nixon he has on his back. It wouldn't shock me.
I suggest nothing is in that dirt plot. Have you ever seen images of a ceremony there? A coffin being lowered? A press announcement of her final resting place?
No? I've looked. The only news outlet invited to cover the burial was that bastion of journalistic integrity, Rupert Murdoch's New York POST. (No photos).
Wait, the same Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox Sports, Fox Network and Fox News? The same guy who almost had a deal with the PGA for an exclusive offshoot tour? A tour deal that fell apart in epic fashion? The same tour effort run by Greg Norman? The former pro golfer, course designer and friend of Donald Trump? The friend who now runs the LIV Golf Tour? The same.
Ivana Trump was Catholic and given a Catholic burial, as per her wishes, in a cemetary plot she pre-arranged. For those who never knew her, she was a hard worker, a planner and a genuinely humble person. I imagine her kids and close friends know the real location and are keeping quiet or have NDAs. You know, For privacy.
This location keeps her final resting place away from all the MAGA heads. All Murdoch had to do was change a location on the story from, say, "Forest Green Memorial Cemetery" to "Trump Bedminster Golf Course" and get the reporter to sign an NDA. You know. For privacy.
Yeah but wouldn't a groundskeeper or staff said something if the plot was fake?
ALL employees of Trump and “commoners” have to sign NDAs with him.
You know. For privacy.
Trump might be the courier of images of these secret documents and used the LIV golf event July 29-31 as an alibi to deliver them to Saudi intelligence agents.
"Your honor, The Saudis were at Bedminster to golf, not get a cache of top secret documents."
Ideally, the first Trump held LIV Golf event should have been held at Trump Doral Golf Club in Miami Florida, 80 miles from Mar-a-Lago, because there's the better alibi of taking Saudis via motorcade to your private club and home, to show off a little, brag about how people love you, and have the after event. AND maybe keep the SAP document transfer hidden from the prying eye of the press?
Only Trump has just had the National Archives Record Administration (NARA) retrieving boxes of files in January 2022 and they know he's got poorly secured SAP top secret documents. The FBI would be highly suspicious if the Saudis came there. That NARA report couldn’t be flushed.
"Greg Norman?... This is Donald Trump. Swap Doral with Bedminster...Do I need to draw you a map? Gimme a break. Just swap it,… or you’re fired..."
NJ is far enough away from Florida to avert suspicion.
"…What?…You think I care about 9/11 victims families? I got a deal to finish and quick."
March 14 2022, the LIV golf schedule is announced. The first Trump LIV golf event (and 2nd golf event in the US) is announced for Trump Bedminster.
Likewise, the last Trump LIV golf event is announced for Trump Doral Miami on the same day.
Had Donald Trump remained president for a second term in office, all of this would have been unnecessary.
The President would have just declassified the documents the Saudis wanted using the presidential declassifcation priviledge then sent the sole “Golf-gate” contract negotiator, with the security clearance equal to a Secretary of State, to deliver them.
There is evidence Jared Kushner may have already delivered a few documents to prove Donald Trump could achieve this condition of the contract that fit precisely with my timeline.
JULY 29 2022:
Did you happen to see the photos of Trump from the LIV Bedminster event 2 weeks after Ivanas death, 3 days after her burial? He looks sickly. Weak. Like he's struggling to be there, hat pulled down, unkempt.
Maybe Donald was grieving over the woman that accused him of raping her in her divorce papers? Maybe the Saudis staged an accident to rattle Donald Trump with Mob-style tactics, and taking out his ex-wife proved he would always have to watch his back. Maybe former President Trump felt at any time he’d get assassinated right there by the Saudis and wanted the paparazzi present as protection.
Ironically this “drop” or exchange moment was taking place on the same golf course that “Trump Golf Tour” was hatched by Donald and his 2 friends, on a random Sunday some 20+ years earlier.
This should be a very happy day for Donald Trump nonetheless. Instead, he looks drained of all blood.
Trump has his Golf Tour, Hooray!
But Donald's mind is elsewhere and his complexion is as pale as a ghost. He cant even force a grin. This is the look of a man walking to his own gallows.
Was the Trump Bedminster LIV Golf Tournament the actual exchange event?
So it’s come to this.
The Saudis have agreed to the intel being legitimate ONLY IF Trump himself hands it to them. Those are the new terms, because Trump didn’t get reelected. This is how he holds the deal together.
The Saudis know Trump cheats, and uses fall guys.
Donald is sweating out his shirt in Bedminster.
Former President Donald Trump knows giving SAP top secret nuclear documents to a foreign power is treason. If this deal is to be consummated, Donald Trump has prepared to risk everything.
The Saudis won't accept an intermediary this time to hand off these valuable secrets. Jared has been paid handsomely. He’s done. Now it’s all up to Trump.
Trumps's direct physical participation gives the Saudis leverage, should Donald Trump try to throw MBS or Jared under the bus to save his own skin. Donald is an errand boy. Trump is back to being a mere civilian, not a president.
You know The Donald. A deal is necessary. He alone can fix it. He could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and wouldn’t lose a vote. He can declassify anything he wants.
“If you are rich enough, they let you do anything you want…”
Saudi Royals have the means to save his ass financially and set him up for life. They are the ones rich enough, and they’ve got Donald right where they want him. That's why they “moved in on him”, “like a bitch” and “grabbed him by the pussy.”
[These are all real events in the order they happened]
2015 - Former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn takes trip to Saudi Arabia on behalf of a U.S./Russia business plan to build nuclear reactors. Note: It will be discovered later that he fails to report this
2015 - General Flynn meets Donald Trump in the early days of his campaign in 2015. No location or details provided
2015 - General Flynn becomes crucial to helping Donald Trump understand foreign policy from the point of view of a spy, which is his background. He knows top brass in DC which helps sell Trump
January 20, 2017 - Donald J Trump is officially sworn in as the 45th POTUS.
February 13, 2017 - General Flynn is fired 25 days into President Trump’s term, for failure to report calls with Russians about sanctions. Note: President Trump later pardons him
February 14, 2017 - President Trump has private meeting with FBI director James Comey where Trump had asked him to "let go" of potential charges against former National Security director General Flynn
May 9, 2017 - James Comey, the seventh Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was fired by President Trump. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe became the acting FBI Director. Note: The 4 page memo providing the reason for Comey's dismissal was titled "The Bedminster Memo" by President Trump.
May 20–21, 2017 - President Donald Trump visits Saudi Arabia, his first trip overseas as President, with Jared Kushner, advisor
Date unavailable, 2017 - Saudi Arabia starts building the Jedda Royal Greens Golf Course. Saudis start shopping for Pro Golf leagues and tours outside the Kingdom
August 23, 2017 - Jared Kushner makes his first solo trip as new Middle-East peacemaker, despite lacking credibility. He meets with Prince MBS and other leaders
September, 2017 - Jedda Royal Greens Golf Course is completed. As of August 2022, there are 14 golf courses in the Kingdom, which is a desert.
September, 2017 - A former top Saudi intelligence officer living in exile, contacts MBS who says "I need you" with "24 hour" deadline. The officer fears he is being set up for assassination. Files lawsuit and does not return
Date unavailable, October, 2017 - Jared Kushner inspects the new Jedda Golf facility on a second solo visit to Saudi Arabia. He's on a first name basis with Prince MBS, some would describe as "chummy"
October 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner returns home from an unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia
November 3, 2017 - nearly 400 of Saudi Arabia's most powerful people, among them princes, tycoons and ministers, were rounded up and detained in the Ritz-Carlton hotel, in what became the biggest and most contentious purge in the modern kingdom's history.
Feb. 27, 2018 - Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, has been stripped of his top-secret security clearance
March 20, 2018 - President Trump welcomed Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), to the White House
May 23, 2018 - Jared Kushner, has been granted a permanent security clearance following a lengthy FBI background check
October 2, 2018 - Jamal Khashoggi, a reporter for WAPO dies in a Saudi Arabian Embassy, and is dismembered. The reason why is never uncovered, placing a chill over the Saudi Royal Court
Date unavailable, 2018 - Despite human rights issues attention, a new "LIV Golf Investments" is backed by Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute, with $580 billion in assets. They are accused of "sportswashing" [Link below]
February 19, 2019 - memo prepared for House Oversight Committee Chair (D) Elijah Cummings titled "Whistle Blowers Raise Grave Concerns..." about President Trump attempting to transfer sensitive nuclear documents to the Saudis. [PDF below]
May 6, 2019 - President Trump awards top golfer Tiger Woods the Presidential Medal of Freedom
July 16, 2019 - President Trump attempts to send $8.1Bn worth of arms to Saudi Arabia who say they need them for war with Iran but is blocked by congress. President Trump uses emergency authorization and sends them anyway
August 7, 2019 - Snapchat gets $250M investment from Saudi prince for 2.3%, Rumor is Snap Inc has improved encryption client that interests Saudi Royals. Technical: Snapchat complies with ECPA (law requests for message contents)
August 29, 2019 - President Trump tweets a classified image of an Iranian "missle" site despite protests by intelligence. Rumored to say "I can declassify anything I want". First known use of "presidential declassification priviledge" by President Trump
January 3, 2020 - Iranian General Soleimani is assassinated in Iraqi airport. He's a known intelligence asset (spy) for Iran, unknown if he has ties to Israel, Saudi Royals or other countries
April-May 2020 - President Trump dismissed the inspectors general (IGs) of five cabinet departments in the space of six weeks. The departments affected were Intelligence, Defense, Health and Human Services, Transportation, and State. Note: The IGs are responsible for identifying, auditing, and investigating fraud, waste, abuse, embezzlement and mismanagement of any kind within executive departments and agencies
November 20, 2020 - President Trump loses election. There will be no 2nd term. Trump claims election fraud. Note: Despite numerous investigations, no evidence of election malfeasance is found to support his spurious claim.
December 30, 2020 - President Trump moves $280Mn in bombs to Saudi Arabia with US State Department approval. Experts suggest President Trump was "making a gesture" on the way out to curry favor with Prince MBS
December, 2020 - Unconfirmed- President Trump installs apparatchiks (loyal lackeys) in the National Archives Records Administration
January 6, 2021 - Insurrection at the Capitol, if "soft coup" successful, & President Trump remains in power long enough, election might be decided by Supreme Court. Note: President Trump takes no action to stop crowd and armed militants for 187 minutes during attack
January 10, 2021 - PGA announces the 2022 PGA Championship will NOT be played at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. and cancels contract
January 20, 2021 - Donald Trump leaves White House with SAP Documents
Spring, 2021? - Donald Trump given “written requests” for documents taken. Trump does not relinquish them in what some would call "stalling"
April, 2021 - Jared Kushner gets a $2 Billion line of Saudi credit to invest, despite no investment track record. Saudis could pull account anytime. Kushner earns investment fees as income. Note: Source the same $580Bn Saudi account funding LIV Golf. The transaction is placed under investigation by US Government authorities.
May 6, 2021 - NARA emailed Trump that classified material was missing. On May 9, Trump boarded a private plane from Palm Beach to Bedminster with several boxes. [Link below]
January 2022 - NARA retrieves boxes containing classified documents from Donald Trump’s estate in Florida, informs FBI in May 2022 report. NARA discovers other documents classified as SAP documents, and NARA will not touch them, as not to be part of custody chain, per protocol. Trump is told to secure them better
March 14, 2022 - Bedminster LIV golf event is announced for *July 29-31 2022*. Donald Trump will attend
July 8, 2022 - US Secret Service Director Jim Murray retires from White House. Murray joins Snap Inc (Snapchat) as their head of security. Murray will directly report to CEO and co-founder Evan Spiegel. Financial terms of the contract are not shared. Note: Snapchat is very popular communication app amongst Saudis.
July 14, 2022 - Donald Trump’s former wife Ivana dies unexpectedly in home, alone, from fall down stairs. She has a working elevator. Her death is confirmed by New York City's medical examiner
July 20, 2022 - Ivana Trump funeral service. Trump family attends
July 26, 2022 - Ivana Trump burial. She's laid to rest in private service. The burial covered by New York Post by invite. No photos. The burial location reported to be on Trumps Bedminster Golf Course. A dirt mound and marker stone photographed near the first tee. Note: No friends or family ever complain or defend this burial arrangement.
July 29, 2022 - Donald Trump attends LIV Golf event in Bedminster with visiting Saudis. He looks in Ill health and pale.
August 5, 2022 - Judge approves search warrent to retrieve and secure ALL government documents from Mar-a-Lago, per protocol, to maintain custody chain.
August 5, 2022 - Donald Trump speaks at Save America Pac in Wisconsin. Reuters fact checks crowd size claims [Link below]
August 6, 2022 - Donald Trump speaks in front of CPAC.
August 8, 2022 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump watches search on estate CCTV via remote location
August 12, 2022 - Donald Trump uses a "presidential declassification privledge" legal arguement for SAP documents, Two government sources told Newsweek the files included pay-rolled human intelligence assets (US spies) complicating priviledge claim even if an active POTUS ordered it
September 2, 2022 - The detailed list of documents from Mar-a-Lago is released. Note: This list contains empty document cover sheets. [Link below]
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Please feel free to adapt this story for your own use under the copyright licence above. I only ask you keep the works derrived from this foundational story properly accredited.
LAST EDITED: October 5, 2022
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